Big Bang Wales 2020 Postponed
It is with regret that, due to current uncertainty with Coronavirus, the South and North Wales Big Bang near me events, due to take place March 19th and April 1st 2020, will have to be postponed. We have been actively monitoring and following advice about the novel Coronavirus Covid-19 over the past weeks. The nature of The Big Bang Fairs being indoor, hands-on interactive events for hundreds of young people, their teachers and parents from across Wales - means that we feel this is the most appropriate decision to take at this time. The Big Bang Fairs are only possible thanks to the support of sponsors, exhibitors, activity providers, teachers and volunteers. We hugely appreciate this continued support for our charitable mission to inspire more young people to consider a career in STEM. We are very disappointed not to be able to go ahead as planned. We know that postponement of the event will be disappointing for the schools, families and young people who had booked to attend as well as the exhibitors and we hope to see some of them at a rearranged event later in the year when we intend to arrange a celebration of the sixth form projects. We will continue to monitor the situation and will let you know as soon as possible of any plans for re-scheduled dates.