Our Introduction 2 Engineering workshops can be delivered at primary and secondary schools and can be adapted to suit a range of abilities. 

Contact us to find out more or click here to book one of our sessions.  

Wind Turbine Workshop

Working in small teams, pupils use our kits to build their own wind turbine and measure the energy generated.

Pupils learn how they work, how they are engineered and constructed, and are tasked to create and record the most efficient wind turbine.  

Progression steps 3 & 4

Coding with BBC micro:bit

Pupils are guided through a series of challenges where they create code to move a micro:bit robot through a series of tasks. 

Pupils program a transmitter and receiver to introduce remote control, adjusting their code to improve their robot's performance.

Progression steps 3 & 4

EESW Speed Challenge

EESW Speed Challenge is a two-hour activity where pupils get to experience the exciting world of CO2 powered model racing cars. 

Pupils work in teams to build and race their cars on our purpose-built floor track to see which team has produced the fastest CO2 powered car.

Progression steps 3 & 4

Sustainable Farming Project

This Project challenges teams to design, build and program their own smart micro-greenhouse.

EESW delivers coding sessions, alongside fully resourced class packs including programmable BBC micro:bit, environmental control boards, sensors and components.  

Progression steps 3 & 4

Sustainable Waste: Compost to Crop

This project invites pupils to consider the impact and potential of food waste. 

Over the course of up to 6 weeks, pupils set up mini wormeries or composters to produce compost and liquid fertiliser from food waste that they then use to grow a crop of microgreens. 

Progression steps 3 & 4

Robotic Hoppers

Can robots survive without their wheels?

Pupils consider movement in animals, in humans, and in nature, and apply this to build, test and refine a new type of robot; one with the perfect balance of speed, strength, and stability.  

Progression steps 3 & 4

Circuit Explorers

In this workshop pupils discover the amazing world of semiconductors around them by using electronic kits to gather information about insulating and conducting materials, electrical polarity and semiconductor components.

Progression step 3

Smart Homes

In the Smart Homes workshop pupils learn to use sensors and actuators to model a sustainable, interactive and responsive smart home system. 

Progression step 4

Prosthetics in Motion

Pupils consider the history of prosthetics and how they have developed to work seamlessly in the modern world. Pupils work in teams to build their own prosthetic arm using a Lego Spike kit, then use code to control and follow simple instructions. 

Progression step 4